A Seeker
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Monday, February 08, 2010

Just came back from HK yesterday or perhaps more like this morning at 1am so I'm still hung over from the trip and not in the exact mood to work. Haha.

This probably will go nowhere and just end up as 'another of my ramblings'.

It was a great trip, not so much of the shopping (yes I did succumb and buy 2 pairs of shoes and yes I did buy 2 pairs of jeans), nor the eating (興記's 燒鴨腿湯河 is nice...).
I guess it was the novelty of being in Hung Hom, the novelty of attempting to take photos during a concert and end up not watching it.. Haha. That was the first night. A sore throat, shaky pitch, over-anxiety basically summed it up. Oh, and a massive production of photos. 4 out of the 5 of us were holding cameras. So snap snap snap~

We vowed to be high on the 2nd night, forsaking our cameras to thoroughly enjoy the show. Man.. that was great. The seats were not as close to the stage as the previous night but we were situated right in the middle of the stage, and just behind 宽姐 and 種楚紅. We really were a bunch of 聯合國. Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, HK, China fans all sitting together. All she had to do was look in our direction and read out the LED boards stating our country. Oh I forgot to add, Africa was there too. HAHA. A 'board' was made just for her and she actually signed it... She was that happy to see us. -_-"

High high. That's all I can say. The crowd was standing (even those right near the roof) and singing along. You really can feel the adoration from the hk fans... Her singing was top-notch, and the performance top-notch. No glitches except for the part when she slipped while going backstage. But then again, not many people saw that. Her crying only added on to the crazed and high, yet emotional vibes.

I could go on and on but nah... somethings I keep it to myself. Haha. Besides, my boss is walking around and I can't keep looking over my shoulder. It's too stressful.
The job is another story altogether. :\

See, this post really is getting nowhere! Argh... And I still need to buy CNY clothes. Not enough from HK.

the seeker. 10:10 AM