A Seeker
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Sunday, December 09, 2007

hello hello

I'm at the departure gate now. haha. waiting to board the plane. I was too bored so I decided to pop by here. The public phones that provide free local calls aren't working! So I was quite sad I couldn't call and disturb pple.

Okies, have to board now. Tata!

the seeker. 12:52 AM

Saturday, December 08, 2007

I'm flying in 8 hours time and I have a bloody sorethroat. wth?!?! I will be fine. I will get fine!

It must be the bak kut teh yesterday. The soup refill may have been too spicy for my throat. But what's bak kut teh without the spiciness!? Sigh... And I STILL wanna play mahjong and bridge and sing kbox. BLEAH. and go swimming and play the piano, the guitar, and running and cycling and err... eating. haha. so many things to do but so little time.


the seeker. 4:13 PM

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

昨天第一次见到潘玮柏 感觉蛮不错。

这次我们已经很低调了,简直像木头人一样 - 非常冷静的坐着看表演,该high的时候才稍微有些动作。
什么eye contact,


我都大概知道 粉丝却不知道
没办法啦 CCC要找他签名就只好等他下来咯
没什么要跟他说 所以只在旁边'看戏'。

潘玮柏 -


现在在猛看"玩酷" mv及现场表演 希望能抓到舞步。哈哈。

差点忘了。 这次的校园演唱也是我第一次这么大胆 在工作人员众目睽睽下,光明正大的A走签名单曲。一个字: 爽!

the seeker. 11:42 PM

Yesterday (sunday) was a special day and thanks to everyone who made it so special - relatives, rvnp gals, hcanoe, 03S67, ntu canoe and cs peeps. It's a bit early to celebrate but no choice. Haha.

My most sincere appreciation and thanks to all of you for making my birthday celebration a success(I think?)! It's been great to see so many familiar faces again and to catch up with one another. To those who couldn't come but still sent their well wishes in various forms, thank you so much! Really appreciate it!

Thanks for being a part of the past 20+ (yes, the actual date hasn't arrived yet. haha)years of my life. Hopefully we'll still be part of each other's lives in years to come and bday celebrations aren't the only time we meet up. So organise more gatherings k! haha...

Till we meet again, stay happy and healthy everyone!
Thanks for everything again!

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More photos next time!

the seeker. 2:04 AM

Saturday, December 01, 2007

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the seeker. 4:00 AM