SHE's auto session was just the first part to Sunday's events. The 2nd part was due to come at night. What else? Auntie's arrival lor... Finally she signed my photo (which had been rejected a few times) and my lyrics books. The rest practically forced donuts upon sun pa and ma, till fish was traumatised by sun ma's 'scoldings'. Haha. Auntie looked a bit worn out though. But I felt her top was REALLY nice. It was cool, funky, casual, yet chic. A jacket but it isn't. Buttoned properly but it didn't look like it was. Cool huh! "It is yet it isn't" kind of logic. She came back herself and all of us were standing next to sun ma n pa, waiting for her to walk to us. haha.
Then we went to play daytona again. ccc, gj, amanda and i went off first because the others were walking too slowly. And this time, we managed to break our own record and completed the level in a very short time! I nearly got caught though and had to take several subterfuges to escape. I say.. Daytona's really good!
Yesterday gj, eileen, her sis and I went to queue (again for the 3rd consecutive day) at The Cathay to catch a glimpse of Jay Chou. 4 hours ahead of ETA but there were't much people. Maybe it's because it's a weekday. Haha. The sky was feeling unfriendly and decided to shower us with some rain at times. I think this kind of events really trains our fitness because by the time jay left, my arms and legs were shaking. I was filming (and couldn't really see if I caught him on film) so my hands had to be controlled, and I was either tiptoeing or standing on one leg to get a clearer view of him. But he really can act cool. And Gui Lun Mei (the female lead)'s side profile is strikingly similar to auntie! It gave me a shock when she walked past at the red carpet. 不能说的.秘密 should do very well in the box office and I'm going to contribute to it. haha.
If not for auntie, I would have been a SHE fan. We would be called SHE-unlimited fc. We would have queued overnight for 2 days like their fc (which is really madness). They queued overnight for the concert at Max Pavilion and then the auto session at IMM. We being auntie fans, only queued for 12 hours for the concert, and 8 hours for the auto session. And we're officially daidee addicts. We go everywhere to play daidee.
The concert wasn't THAT high but we were all standing on chairs. After everyone ignored the security guards, they gave up and allowed us to stand on chairs. Hehe. And the chairs were so much more stable than the genting ones. Ella was sick and had a runny nose throughout but she still pulled through! hahaha.. We were shouting for ella and hebe and no one was rooting for selina. So baad.
The auto session at IMM was really good, in terms of the planning and execution. The crew or fc coordinated with each other real well and they were in control of the queue, making sure there wasn't any shoving and stuff. And they really know how to PACK the pple in. haha. The tent was nice except for the imm management. Apparently they didn't open the drainage at the open plaza and so when it started pouring, water couldn't drain off, resulting in a mini flood. Diao.. But our area was lucky. We were spared the pain of a wet ground because before the waters could flow to our side, the workers managed to locate the drainage and opened it. Exciting.... SHE were so funny when they reached. Selina was gushing about yakun bread, Hebe was eccentric (doing funny stuff), Ella was... was... her usual self. Hahaha. And Ella forgot the lyrics for 说你爱我, making Hebe stand behind her, whispering each line to her. So funny!
When they were signing the albums, they'd shake hands voluntarily but not all shook theirs. The few pple before me didn't shake so when it was my turn, I put out my hand immediately. HAHHA. Selina's hand shake was weakest, then Hebe, then Ella. But Hebe looked straight into my eyes. In fact, her eyes were boring into mine. There was a small commotion because pple's lyrics books were mixed up so Ella was like unsure of which to sign. Hahah. And chongqing made us rap 中国话 all because he could recognise gj and ccc.. hahha...
So that concluded our SHEdventure over the wkend. We were acting like thieves, using our limited lyrics books to change overwhelming numbers of covers. Fish was tearing off the stickers while ccc, amanda, and I removed the staples, changed the pages, and stapled them again. hahaha. Smart.
the seeker. 2:35 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Racing always seem to cure any lack of motivation or declining interest in me. Although I didn't compete in much events, racing over the weekend definitely made my heart racing. The yearning to train, the desire to do well, the need for pain all came rushing back. The results don't matter. As I always tell the girls, as long as we did the best that we could in that situation, it's good enough. And it was. Huiwen and I can proclaim proudly that we did the very best we could have done in ncc 07. Our lack of training was our vice, but that wasn't an excuse we were about to make. We lost to worthy opponents.

me and huiwen. amazing how we can actually race together.
I should think I have the right to remain positive. Despite our lack of training, we weren't lagging behind as far as I thought we would. Both of us were sure we would only get to race in one race per event but we got extra! Semis for k2 1000m, finals for k2 500m. I would have preferred to get into the finals for k2 1000m but we did our best. Debbie and lyanna were still a little ahead for us. Perhaps a shoot at the end would have been good but oh well. At least my so-called strategy of coming in first for 500m heats didn't back-fire on me. It didn't seem funny then but thinking back, huiwen and I arguing over whether to have our ending burst for 500m heats during our race, and yihang and rimmel shouting at us to shuddup was hilarious. All I wanted was not to come in 2nd for heats so as to get into a 'better' semis to get into finals. Hahaha.
I'm really proud of ky though. She was so close to yh and andrea. Of course andrea wouldn't allow her to overtake but it was close enough. And what a great timing for 250m - 1:04. Woohoo. A perfect way to end her jc canoeing chapter.

me and ky! trying out k2 for fun! hahah..
Anti-climax now but auntie's bday was yesterday so happy bday to her! flowers for her! hahahah...

the seeker. 9:24 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
I simply have to say that I LOVE daytona. On wednesday, me and amanda went to play daytona at some ulu arcade after supper with ms lala wong who was so dua pai to make us go airport to accompany her before she went to work. Luckily I drove there but the funniest thing happened to us!
After supper (Mcs actually), I was supposed to send lala to work at terminal 1 so..... I drove out of the carpark and stopped patiently at the gentry waiting for the barrier to lift up. Wait wait wait. A car stopped behind me to wait for his turn. The machine at the gentry was still asking me to wait. I thought I probably went too far ahead for the machine to detect but I was wrong. Hmm... Thinking probably it's my IU unit, I told lala to get out of the car to help me insert the cashcard manually. Still not working. Luckily the car behind gave up and went to another gentry but I don't want to get stuck in the carpark!! I decided to reverse the car and try the other gentry, NOT knowing that lala was still outside the car and the door was open! Haha. I think we all got a shock. The point is.... after trying so long to get the gentry to work, we realised it wasn't working well! Because when we switched gentry, we could immediately exit! ARGH. But it was really funny. Hahahahhahaha. The moral of the story is? Always stick to the left gentry.
After dropping lala off at T1, amanda and I were feeling bored so we proceeded to this ulu arcade and started playing daytona at random. We both suddenly had an urge to play daytona. How SPONTANEOUS is that?! So anyway, we played daytona for about 15 minutes before getting bored and went to play this funny game that hooked us for around 30minutes. By then, it was too late and the arcade was closing (there wasn't anyone around!) so we had to go home. Haha. So shuang!! I simply love playing arcade games.
the seeker. 1:32 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I have middle/short-term memory loss. I can't remember where I put her hk concert 06 audio file and it's killing me. That's the reason why I thought my competition playlist sounded a bit off. I was using the 05 audio file, not the 06 one!! ARH!!
Luckily I sent it to eline previously because of her darling andy lau so now she can send it back to me. Thanks so much eline!!!! You're my saviour!
the seeker. 12:46 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007
I am so proud of the team. They fought all the way to the end. The K4, never giving up despite the waters; the K2s, and the Ts. I'm glad to be part of it and hoped I helped in some way or another. The past few months were a blur, first with helping hx then to him leaving. The K4 had always been a difficult thing for me and fiona to teach but we still pulled through.
Although I wasn't paddling, it was still a tiring 3 days. Every night I go home and feel as though I had training in the day. Now we finally know how hx felt for the past 10 years each nationals. When I was giving the debrief yesterday, seeing the gals cry ALMOST made me tear as well. Luckily there was Fiona beside to take over so I could compose myself. I think Fiona almost too. Haha.
Canoeing has always played a very important role in my life. There were times of joy, laughter, fun, and there were also tears, frustration, anxiety, anger and pain. But at the end of the day, we remember the team, the process, not the results. The same will come for this batch, and the batches to come. There are many defining moments in life and I dare say the decision to join the hcanoe team will be a major defining moment.
-Only a fellow canoeist will understand what you go through.-
the seeker. 10:09 PM