Last day in taiwan and we had a good night's sleep! Finally!!! We walked to CKC Memorial Hall, soaked in the cultural air, took pictures with lollipop, had some 豆浆油条 for breakfast. I liked the soya bean. Yummie!
After arranging for our mini-van to pick us up at the hotel later, we MRT-ed over to ximending for some last minute one hour shopping. Haha. We couldn't find much so we decided to head over to 101. Last minute shopping amazing race style is really tiring. Hahah. 101 was cold as usual. Oh dear, I forgot to say we went to 101 the previous night too (i think?). Yeps. We wanted to go over to new york new york but decided to pop by grand hyatt hotel to recce first. Auntie was supposed to have her 庆功记者招待会 there you see. Who knows, we ended up staying there all the way.
Wenwen came by and convinced us to call the mini-van to pick us up at grand hyatt instead. We were so nervous cos time was very very tight and the press conf had to start late. omg.... This time I was the videoman and my neck nearly cramped from tilting sideways too long. The press conf was funny, weird, awkward, and sad. Look at the videos when they're ready. We squeezed eyedrops after wo huai nian de mv was played and the media really thought we were crying. OMG.
When we really stretched the time to its limit, we wanted to take a pic w auntie b4 we left. But she was so heartless to just tell us, "orh.. go lor go lor!" arh!!! So blur! When she finally got our drift, we quickly had a group photo but for some reason, many cameras appeared in front of us. hahaha.. wr jie said she don't know if she's coming for sg promo. I hope she is!! She's so nice to us, not like M&M. MUAHAHHAHA.
After some silly phototaking, we really had to leave and left silently, waving bye to wr jie. See! I told you she's nice. Streamers marked our footsteps as we ran down to meet our mini-van. Suddenly, SHE and their 3 minders evolved. Ella was exceptionally white and fat. Muahahha.
The trip back was horrible because of the horrible conditions, the horrible pple on board, and basically horrible never-ending flight. One thing was good. The captain and first officer were great. They explained stuff and made it interesting. yay! I only bought yam tarts from the tw airport and didn't buy any alcohol in sg dfs cos I didn't have the time! I had to rush out before the rest cos my dad was fetching and he doesn't know my true aim in gg tw. I was afraid the rest would have to wait v long if I went to buy alcohol so I just chionged out immediately. Eve said she saw me but luckily she didn't call me. I would faint if she called me. haha. Then again, apparently they stayed in dfs for a long time! Darn. I should have bought.
Oh well. So that's about it. The thousand and more words to make up for the lack of pictures. The pictures are still with Chairmeh. Once I get them, I'll try putting some up here. Hahah. Overall, it was a great trip, seeing her and all. With so close contact, seeing how tw events work and the company. Thks peeps for making this trip a memorable one! But I really do wanna have so SERIOUS shopping. Hahha. It's time to put this behind and start to hit the books! Exams' in 3 wks time and her SG promo's in 2 wks time.
After the auto session at taizhong, we slept again on the bus back to Taipei. Which reminds me - IT'S IMPORTANT TO GO TO THE WASHROOM BEFORE ANY LONG DISTANCE RIDES!! you wouldn't want to end up like me, enduring 1.5 hours with a full bladder to taizhong. hahah. So anyway, after getting a shock by our HUGE number at taizhong, we decided to queue for the tpe one at 3am. Haha.
We were actually very very tired. But for some reason, after a bath and some videos of her, we all got very high and really cabbed down to ximending. We are mad, just like her. This time, we were number 6 (i think?!). Just nice. haha. We wouldn't be at the side instead we'll be in the middle. But we had to wait for around 4 hours before getting our number. We were so tired by then!!! Chairmeh, being (I reiterate) the sleeping king, managed to get some sleep on the floor. When we finally got our numbers at 830am, we rushed back to our hotel to catch some beauty slp.
Nearly late for the auto session! No la. hahah. Just nearly late for the entering of the venue. Haha. We ran like mad down the red carpet. Haha. So cool right! Red carpet! This time, I'm the photographer while chairmeh cameraman. When she came down the red carpet, I was pushed all over the place and it was simply CHAOTIC. I was balancing only by the forces of people pushing me and I would have fallen if one side applied less force. And the media. OMG. Equally chaotic. When she was breaking the ice, we couldn't see anything cos she was surrounded by the media. Looks like the best way to see an ice-breaking ceremony (literally) is through the news. At least we got to see the set up of the ice (-_-). Sigh. And she was partially hidden through out the session cos of the media. At least she looked at me-cum-camera at the red carpet and on stage (look at pictures for more details!) Hahah. So happy. And we made her acknowledge us on stage all 3 times. More like we wanted the media to know we were there. hahahahaha...
Because we wanted to shop, we left immediately after getting our albums signed. This time, we had 15 and I had nothing much to tell her. So I ended up saying her purple fingernails v nice and she was gave tt sweet thank you!! hahha. so nice... but eileen they all started crapping, telling her her eyelash v nice and stuff. hahah. so fu yan!! muahaha... and auntie was laughing away. Oh well. Apparently she played a game with the other fans after we left. It's ok. We gain some, we lose some.
Yida was supposed to have his auto session at rose records on the same day at 2pm but there was so few pple! So ke lian. Anyway, when we were abt to make our way to wufenpu, a photojournalist from this newspaper wanted to take pics of me and eileen cos we were wearing baseball caps. And it turned out that he went to auntie's auto session too! So I left my email address and asked him to email me the pictures. Muahahaha...
Wufenpu was not bad. Just that we were rather passive actually. Maybe cos we were all v tired. But I had to take qt a lot of time to warm up, which by then, we already visited half of the shops there. Sigh. And the shirts I bought?? Cannot fit!! Can is can la. But not nice. Either I slim down or I sell them off. Hhaha. I was like buying for the sake of buying cos I hadn't spent much money then. We went over to Raohe night mkt where we had a game of bball. I lost to pw!! Haha. But I tired very easily. Too easily in fact. A sign of lack of rest. We had braised minced pork rice and then teppanyaki. yum yum. And very cheap too!
Seeing that we still hadn't bought much, we decided to go back to shilin after soaking our weary legs in the jacuzzi bathtub in the hotel. So shuang! We have videos so watch out for them! I bought my NEW shoe at shilin and I like them very much! HAha. Luckily I didn't wait till the last day to get them or I would have regretted cos there wasn't any time at all.
the seeker. 12:03 AM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Surprisingly, we didn't have to wait very long for the session to start. Maybe because we could walk around so long as we collected our number tags and it was raining. We took some silly photos and tried to remain super low profile. But apparently some people thought we were HongKong-ers and our accent similar to that of Twins. I'm flabbergasted. I didn't think our Chinese was that poor! No offence but I do think our Chinese is better than them. Haha.
The DJ was very nice and interactive. He kinda went into the crowd and was there all the time, unlike some who'll hide backstage. yanwo gave us 10 albums each to sign so we had plenty of time on stage to talk to auntie. Queen and I were talking crap to her, and she nearly forgot to pass the letters to auntie till wanrong jie asked her. haha. funny right. That wanrong jie said my braces were very cute?! And the both of them (wr jie and auntie) simply stared at my braces and started asking all sorts of questions. I'm like ?!?!?! But anyway, before I left the stage, wr jie asked if we were gg taizhong so I was like shouting to her when I was already away from the stage. haha.
Despite our utmost attempts to remain low profile, we still shined. The gaoxiong-ers were surprisingly subdued! They sat down la! First time I saw that happen. haha. And we made auntie forget her lyrics because of our banner. Her condition wasn't that good cos she couldn't hit the high notes and sometimes went a bit off. haha. But it's ok. We wouldn't blame her though we thought she cried after the media Q&A. Oh well. So of course we said sorry to her la... Felt so bad. And we, no queen, kena interviewed so many times by the media when actually few of us can appear in front of the camera! So we were praying that our parents won't be watching e-news. haha.
There was this gal from pintung who sat in front of me but acted like she was on SUPER good terms with us. When we were holding our banner up for phototaking, she was like clinging on to one end while I was trying to wrench it away from her. Haiyo. and she still din get the hint. She wanted to go up with us onto stage la! Luckily for the interviews. Aiyo.. can't stand these kinda pple.
After signing our albums, we pia-ed to taizhong 逢甲夜市 for our 2nd session. Wow. By the time we reached there, we were number 358. Actually we didn't want to join the queue cos we would be blocked. It was in the middle of the road and those behind, i.e. us, had to queue at such an angle that there wouldn't a good view of her! But twl said emi didn't have a permit and may not sign all the albums. Being the typical kiasu SGeans, we squeezed to number 39, i.e. row number 3. We were almost caught cos the workers started checking for our numbers. Chairmeh went out (though still next to us but no longer in the queue) while eileen and gj got caught. One kind TW fan lent us her number and managed to deceive the worker. Haha. We had to guard agst pple from entering the queue, i.e. Chairmeh etc.! How ironic is that.
Auntie saw me when she came on stage and started singing. I smiled at her and she smiled back, looking into my eyes while she sang. Wa piang eh!! HAHAHAH.. Queen also nearly melted when auntie sang to her later on in the session. Then came the EXCITING part! Auntie was soo hot, she managed to short circuit part of the night mkt! hahahhaha... She was like a tortoise! Kept hiding into her shell. We actually thought it was fireworks and expected to see beautiful fireworks when we turned back. We ended up looking at unlit buildings. haha. But she was really shocked. Her mouth was so wide, she could have stuffed her fist in there. Poor thing. We were still having tai yang bing while the power pple scrambled to restore power. I shall not disclose anything about us squatting down spontaneously when the streamers hovered too close to comfort. oops. I just blurted it out didn't I.
What's more, it started to drizzle but luckily it only started pouring after our albums were signed. Apparently after she shifted indoors to the cd store to continue the auto session, the store also short circuit-ed a few times and she had to sign using a torchlight. oh dear. It's ok. Our shouts of 'zhuan ji da mai' will come true. Hehe.
the seeker. 11:40 PM
Day One (SIN - TPE):
Flight 3K521 to Taoyuan International Airport. Got all geared up to proceed to the airport by... MRT. haha. I was late and my mum told me there won't be enough space on the train for us to sit. So pw and I detoured to boon lay before our journey to the east. ps, jt and amanda were so nice and woke up early in the morning to send us off. haha. Filming for '改版' vcd started.
I swear off budget airlines for flights of more than 2 hours. It was SO cramped! Luckily I had cards to pass time. Tsk tsk. Had to endure 4.5 hours before finally reaching taiwan. SQ rocks. So anyway, we took a bus to taipei main station before hopping onto a taxi to our hotel. Chairmeh, however, being the sleepy king, decided to leave his dear phone on the bus and we had to chase the bus throughout ximending. Goodie. haha.
We stayed at 玉园庄. It was supposed to be a motel but it's really not bad. Feels like home. Hahaha. After arriving (rather late) at the hotel, we pia-ed to shilin for some quick shopping where chairmeh happily spent NT1000 on peanut candy. I bought my cap-companion too! After shilin was liaoning where there was ABSOLUTELY nothing, so we went to banqiao. I can't remember much about banqiao - I wonder why. haha. In the wee hours in the morning, we finally got a chance to 'enjoy' our room.
Day TWO (TPE-GaoXiong-Taizhong-TPE):I didn't sleep cos I was afraid I wouldn't be able to wake up in time for the speed train down to GaoXiong. Supposed to meet at 530am but ended up leaving at 6am, catching the MRT to taipei main station. My first time on the MRT in Taiwan! Haha. And of course first time on the speed train in Taiwan. It's supposed to be like the bullet train in Japan but I didn't exactly get to experience Taiwan's one cos I was basically knocked out and slept solid for around 2 hours. haha. A taxi ride later and we reached 汉神百货 - the first autograph session of the day. We were number 71! As in our first number was 71 (me). haha. We couldn't find a proper breakfast venue and ended up buying from 7-11 where I had strawberry 铜锣烧. 7-11 is endorsed by SHE and Farenheit! So cool right!! Not like our very own ta*fik.
the seeker. 11:20 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Well well, guess where I am? I'm in mml! Why issit I only have the time to update when I'm in the lab (when I'm supposed to be busy)? Haha. Yx finished our 3rd assignment yesterday and I have to say I'm impressed. I totally forgot we had reverse shots. Haha. But she's good. She's a true ebm-er. Haha... I'm just there to boost pple's confidence.
I'll be flying off tomorrow so a lot of things have to be done by today. I was getting rather frustrated yesterday cos I had to do my slides for next week and pack my bag. At least I have some experience so packing my bag was rather quick. My bag is so empty! I keep finding things to fill up the space. Haha. Oh yes! Today's the release of ni guang!! Yahooooo!! I'll be rushing to city hall to get my sg album after class and then put the songs into my mp3 player so that we can get an overdose of ni guang in tw. So fast isn't it? Although I frankly thought the week passed v slowly.
I'm coughing a little but I'm trying my best to curb it. I already had a bottle of american ginseng + luo han guo and of course my trusty salt water. A little of vapourdrops won't hurt too. Cough cough cough. Chairmeh says to sleep early with a lot of water. He's mahjong-ing through the night. I wonder how he'll survive. Haha.
Oh yes, I'm no longer the captain of ntu canoeing gals! Finally. Shuying should do better than me. It's not that difficult to be better than me. I really have to thank leqi and rach this past year. I actually had a lot to say during the handing over but I decided to be short and sweet. I'll just leave my thoughts here. Nah. On second thoughts (no pun intended), it's too open here. I'll be like exposing myself to the whole wide world. You should know. I prefer to keep my clothes on. Haha. An email will suffice. Shuying and Lyanna must jia you! And I'll jia you for hc and ncc too.
I resolve to down 3 litres of water today. Current status: 2250ml more.
yay! My mum just booked tickets to Phantom of the Opera on 1st May! Yippee!
the seeker. 12:11 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Hi there,
Few people read my blog so there's really no need to say hi there. Oh well. Here I am, sulking about the trip being today originally and sitting in the multimedia lab, checking on tapes while ali's doing some exporting. We still have a video to recut because ian wants interesting stories. I do know that and I've been trying to tell y forever. But you know, for some reason, I can't out-talk her. Partly because I'm not as involved so it's kinda like I'm of a lower level. Crap. I'm getting nonsensical.
I just read an email about my internship next year. I can go source for my own internship but who's willing to take me?? You think emi needs interns? haha. Or unusual productions? Hmm. Maybe I should just go for the usual Mediacorp.
Yay... Ali just allowed me to take a few tapes to tw to use. Haha. We'll have loads of footage!! And lots of editing!! I shall try to source for a windows version of final cut pro. Then I can do editing at home and not be stuck at the mml. Which reminds me. There aren't much media inside the lab so why call it multimedia? People come here to use final cut pro only. Haha. This is amazingly stupid.
Back to lessons! Cheerios.
8 more days to the trip.
the seeker. 12:37 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I'm terribly sick.
Sick of everything.
Sick of being the middleman.
Sick of last minute changes.
Sick of projects.
Sick of people bugging me.
Sick of the human race.
the seeker. 10:10 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
It's been a long time hasn't it. I'm still me, except being bogged down by work (which effectively equates to editing and filming). Well I've had a really HECTIC week and I'm really glad to get a breather this week with relatively lesser things to do.
I didn't sleep on Wednesday! I was rushing out my Chinese essay that required me to write at least 1500 words on some book. Wow, really haven't been writing Chinese essays in a loong time. And I also had marketing presentation (which was great!) and filming and physics quiz. My god. Imagine how stoned we were. And there's the dreaded editing. I can't imagine myself being tired for the next 2 years if I were to specialise in EBM. But then again, the PPC course isn't FANTASTIC either. I guess I'll just have to stick to EBM and do my PPC electives. Then I'll have a chance of working in my preferred field.
I really want to do something related to music. Can I be an MV producer?? Haha. This is weird. Ok, ccc wants to see my picture w auntie. So I shall post it up. Seriously, stupid hx actually told me I should slim down before I take picture with her next time. ?!?! I know I'm fat but the jacket's the one at fault!! I must stand behind her like ps next time and use her body to hide myself. Haha.

the seeker. 1:08 AM