I shall finally blog about Saturday's events after yesterday's sudden and depressing news. I was reading cruz's blog and I'm glad I didn't listen to his program today.
So anyway, Saturday was another hectic day. What can I expect? It's still part of the CRAZY week. So in the morning, after training (a controlled 8km only) and some moving of boats, I went to vivo to meet up with amanda and eileen and her sis. I really shouldn't have gone to 'take a look' at the hc gals after bathing. Mr choe was there and wad a small world, he's now the teacher-in-charge for canoeing. He was my J1 form teacher but we all hated him. Now that I'm out of school, he doesn't seem THAT bad tho he still loves to talk. Haha. Oh well, being the nice me, I talked to him while waiting for the hc gals to come up. Only to realise I had 10min to get to vivo from mac. -_-
Since I was late, I was forced to think of a place to eat and at vivocity, fast food is NOT fast. Instead, 'slow food' at the foodcourt was SUPER fast. We should all eat at the foodcourt next time. It really is healthier, no matter what you say. So after chowing down my food in 20min (including deciding what to eat plus the buying), we walked over to dragonfly for the birthday bash.
I realised both times I went to dragonfly, I have 933 to thank for. First time was gcma trophy revealing with ahzi, and now, 933 bday bash with farenheit. What can I say... Eye candy chun was there! He's SOOO charming and princely. No wonder he's 神. 亚伦 was really very 迷人. He's the best vocalist, dancer and most musically inclined in Farenheit. I think Farenheit wouldn't sound as good singing live without him. 大东 was trying to act 酷 as usual. His lips were permanently pout and fingers permanently 'dislocated'. Eileen was SOOO biased la... When 大东 was singing, she raised her hands and swayed together. But when the rest were singing, her hands will come down. duh. I think 亦儒 is very pitiful. I mean he really does know how to talk but no one listens to him. He must have something about him otherwise he wouldn't be in the band right. But it's amazing how he's 帅. Haha.
So anyway, after the bday bash (I liked the stand up comedy! It was really funny. And we could all see through cruz's magic lahh.... except the levitation. haha.), we cabbed down to indoor stadium and saw ps and jt. Haha. And guess what?? We saw the flowers auntie gave SHE! The van was there so we wanted to check if it was ours but it ended up to be auntie's! $300 for 3 pots. One pot for each person. So nice HUH.... Then sun pa went to park beside twl's car, scaring me cos I din know he was in the car. And we successfully managed to confuse sun ma and pa on whether we supported SHE and were there for the concert. JT got molested by sun ma later on. muahaha.

her $100 flower pot!
The concert was rather smooth with no major hiccups like auntie's, except for Selina's dropping of her skirt. I can concluded that 认真地拜台是有用的! The 拜台 was so much better than auntie's. The ENTIRE crew went to pray. SHE really prayed. But Hebe's pose was the best. HAha. Ella's hands high above her head?!?! And they prayed for very looong. They even left it burning (maybe cos the guests haven't prayed yet) and also burnt 银纸 (is tt wad it's called??). 所以, 拜台真的很重要.
And I admire the way they helped each other out during the concert. You can really see the teamwork and how close they were to each other. When Hebe's hair accessory came off after the fans FANATIC attempts at touching them during the 握手时间, Ella was there to help adjust while Selina was at the side covering up. Ella and Hebe defused any awkwardness after Selina's solo and Selina even made fun of herself. They really do know how to 圆场. No wonder they're THE girl group in Asia now. 亚洲第一女子天团不是盖的.


Ella's solo drums! So cute!!
And their vocals really improved a lot. Their 合音 was almost pitch-perfect and there wasn't any 走音 throughout the concert. But Ella was the one who really knew how to interact with the audience. She remembered that there were audiences above and at the side too. Hebe, on the other hand, was probably focusing too much on her vocals. Haha. I think she 恍神 during the concert la. Suddenly there was this part when she kept making mistakes. Super funny.

Hebe's solo. No 恍神 here! I like her twisting!
Of course the best part came when auntie appeared. To think we were 'spying' on the wrong person throughout! Thanks huh, chairmeh. Amanda and I were soo distracted during the first part of the concert laaaaa.... Who on earth would wear a cap into indoor stadium when it's all dark??? So anyway, auntie appeared in a SUPER short dress and as usual, she forgot she was wearing a skirt. Her legs opened so wide, you could almost put an elephant there.

See her legs?? And short skirt??? But 还是美的咯...
But her singing was assured, firm and looked just like a diva there. A 大姐 to SHE. Her stage presence filled the entire stage. I still remember when she just entered the industry, her stage presence was, to put it bluntly, rather pathetic. Haha. But only I can say that!! Non auntie fans can't criticise her!! hee.. She sang first day, wmdyt and meng bu luo, in the process, nearly forgetting she wasn't performing to her own fans.
Oh ya, our led boards were beautiful!! And she waved to us!! Only amanda and I were standing at our section with the led boards. And she saw us! And also jt and ps! yay... Haha. The led boards were much better than the few displayed in the concert. twl wins hands down!!
Mysteriously, after her performance, all the energy seemed to drain out from me. I got caught by amanda several times 恍神-ing. Muahaha. Too bad la.. A hectic week capped off by auntie's appearance. I can't be THAT energetic... I need to recuperate. Darn. My stomach is a BIG round ball. SHIT. oh yes... all credits of she concert photos to joesie! haha.. i credited you!!


Selina looking pretty
the seeker. 9:17 PM
Sunday, January 28, 2007
I actually typed a long entry abt yesterday's 933 bday bash and SHE concert with ahzi. A lot of exciting things happened but I've no mood to re-type everything out again.
Xu Wei Lun is gone. 突然有点莫名的感伤,也不知道为什么. 生命就是那么的短暂. Life's truly like a brief candle. One blow and it's extinguished. Short, sudden, unpredictable. 我们不能做什么,只能好好珍惜先在.
"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and fret his hour upon the stage"
the seeker. 10:33 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
It's 4.28am now, Wednesday. I just finished my rough draft of a script that should last 90seconds. Filming should commence in around 8hours time if everything goes smoothly. If not, I think I'll nearly have to split myself into two later at night. Everything must be thought of before the shoot because I have no time at the site to think things through. I have two major deadlines due within this week (sort of) so everything's like piled up high. If I don't manage to convince the manager to let us film earlier, we'll have to film at 530pm, rush off for my mkting meeting at 730pm, and then go back for filming at another location at 9+pm. Madness. For the uninitiated, 2hours for filming is a bit tight but I hope we'll be able to pull through. It's NOT supposed to be so tough. And we still have editing.
I completed compiling my marketing presentation last night (Tuesday) and there's still one last part to discuss. So later, AFTER all my filming is done, I have to finalize the presentation. God knows what time I'll reach home and start on my presentation. So I estimate I'll be without sleep for two days. How am I supposed to present on Thursday without 2 days sleep?? And edit the stupid videos!
I can only look forward to Saturday when I'll be free of all these.
the seeker. 4:29 AM
Friday, January 19, 2007
不能比赛 再也不能跳高
我无法承受别人对我的期待 我真的很怕我自己跳不过去
我当时真的觉得 只要我被车撞伤 我就可以逃避这一切了
还没跳 我就已经输给莫名的压力了
那已经是过去了 所以我不想再逃避跳高
the seeker. 12:32 AM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I swam for 3+ hours today! There was actually IHG swim trng and I decided to join them for the first time. But my lesson ended early at 330pm (first time I din want a lesson to end early!) so I slowly made my way to the pool and was in the water at 4+pm. The trng starts at 6pm can????
I slowly lapped up and down the pool, slacked a bit, 'raced' this other guy while waiting for them and they finally appeared at 630pm. piang eh. Did some sprints and helped to correct other people's strokes. I learnt that I'll be swimming breaststroke as well. DARN. I'm NOT a breaststroker!!! My sis is but I'm not!! And when I tried pulling hard today, my back suddenly hurt from time to time. But it's still alright. My fitness has really dropped!! I don't feel good swimming 50m! I'll be like totally out of breath and strength by the time I sprint one lap. DARN.
I've decided to start training again for ncc (if it's really in april). and to look out for hcjc too. I don't really wanna see the team go down the drain like that. They bought FOUR freaking ergonometers recently can?? ALL with a computer each! That's like how expensive?!?!?!!?! That's it. I'm going back to the gym to try out the ergos.
Exercise list: Exercised almost everyday this week! Yay! Keep up the good work!
the seeker. 12:58 AM
Monday, January 15, 2007
Baby steps but still steps.
Step by step, I shed my skin,
My former self remains.
I had it at first,
then I lost it.
Now I think my thirst
is coming back to me.
About time isn't it, you ask.
I say good things are meant to last.
I do hope you're here to stay,
cos' that means I won't be slayed.
the seeker. 11:39 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Today I had Japanese food for dinner! It all started with jt going mad on Wednesday while we were choosing our sushi at Isetan (Lido). She saw all the fARbulous food and immediately arranged for a japanese-food-making session today. So we miraculously managed to meet up today in the HEAVY rain (yes I was late but the bus took like 10min to move from PIE to stevens road?!) and bought our expensive dinner ($8.50 per person?!?) home to cook.
When we reached jt's house, we slacked around, waited for chairmeh to arrive before starting. THEY diced the chicken, attempted to peel the potatoes before realising they didn't know how to use the peeler. haha. So I took over while they diced the potatoes. But when it ended up with the onions, only chairmeh and I were left. I wonder why. haha.. Frying, adding water, curry cubes, simmer, and we were done in one hour! We also had fried eggs with onions, using up a lot of eggs in the process. I better credit before I get slammed. haha. CHAIRMEH did the fried eggs and frying of the curry. JT and EILEEN did the rice. AMANDA did the miso soup and gyozas. PEIWEN did the eating. so what was I doing? I was er... doing a bit of everything? haha. Arh! I was the SUPERVISOR. muahahaha...
So after the wols and sick pw arrived, we sat down and enjoyed our hard work. Yummy! But I think ms paparazzi was off-duty today cos I didn't see her take much pictures today. Or perhaps her skills had improved so much that she took many pictures without me noticing. HAHA. Since there're no pictures, I shall write a thousand words instead.... just kidding! I bet you just fell off your chair thinking about reading a thousand words here. It's scary. I know.
Went to my ahma's house after dinner and it was nice seeing her again! Although there is a language barrier, as in I understand her but she doesn't understand me, we enjoyed ourselves! She kept laughing at my attempts at speaking hokkien, more like my hopelessness and funny accent. Haha. At least I tried!
Macritichie is closed again!! Now I can't train. Just when I was looking forward to it. DARN. Guess I'll attempt to do some light weights at home tmr. haha. Oh ya! I got a 40% borders voucher! hmm.. I wonder what book I should get. Any ideas?
the seeker. 12:41 AM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
This is a bit old but still, I wanna blog about it! Haha. Friday was a special day. A frentic, cursed, blessed day all rolled into one. It started off with me going to the movies with my mum. We watched The Queen. It was quite good and I think the female lead acted rather well and 'Tony Blair' was exceptional. It provided another viewpoint to the reactions of the royal family after Princess D's death which I think added quite a fair bit of humility to the queen. It's a nice show. Worth a weekend ticket.
Anyway, by this time, ps and twl had already msged me about the sk event later on in the day and I was supposed to meet the rest at 5pm. So after my movie, I walked around with my mum and while I was going to the mrt station, I walked past sk lucky plaza, saw michael, waved to him, but didn't go in. STUPID. luckily ps went in when she walked past. BECAUSE the event required invitation cards to go in!!!!! To see her close up!!! I'm an idiot. haha.
So luckily ps managed to get 2 tickets, which we thought would allow 4 pple to enter. But after some complications, we had to frantically get more tickets to allow us to go in. Luckily amanda was going home after I 'ordered' her to go home to change to formal attire. HAHA.. Luckily katherine transferred to bp so amanda could get tickets from her. All these was done while the four of us (me, amanda, chairmeh n ps) were rushing home to change into formal attire. What a headache. The dress code was luckily black, gold and diamonds. HAha. And fish n pw were too lazy to go hom to change. I think I might have maxed out my dialing times for this month just on Friday.
Called a cab and reached raffles city at 7+pm. I was wearing heels la... HAha.. But it was more comfortable than I expected it to be. I could even run about in them (which I think I couldn't previously). Haha. But then we realised the dress code wasn't adhered to so the others also got to go in with our extra tickets. We sampled,no, drank red wine, champagne all on empty stomachs. Haha. We saw celebs like kelly, phyllis quek, hady, jonathan and of course ahzi!! She was obviously the highlight cos when she arrived, EVERYONE swarmed to that area and there was much pushing and shoving. When she walked around to view the jewel exhibits, it was so packed, I walked to another side. Phyllis quek appeared in front of me and I said hello. So funny. She also said hello then she told me, "it's so squeezy..." HAHA. I wanted to say it's all auntie's fault but being the nice me, I kept my mouth shut. Then hady appeared in front of me but I didn't bother about it and even said 'excuse me' cos he was blocking my path. Haha.
Marcia suddenly appeared in front of me giving me a shock cos it meant ahzi was behind her. Since I had the chance, I helped the others ask if she received our cookies and chocs..
Me: yanzi, did u eat our cookies and chocolates?
she: yes yes...
me: how were the cookies?
she: not bad not bad (giving a smile)
me: the chocolates leh?
she: nice!! (flashing a grin)
haha... then i couldn't think of what else to say to her already cos there wasn't anyone beside me. Only ccc was beside me and we were trying to think of whatelse to say to her. in the end, we ended up talking to mavis instead. DUH. hahha... after she went backstage to prepare for her performance, we took our place in front of the stage. chairmeh asked me to go over closer to the center of the stage so i asked twl to follow since she was filming. then amanda came over as well. haha. so funny can.. we were looking and commenting on the new series of jewelry and chairmeh kept dropping hints on what he wanted his bday present to be. BLEAH. haha.. when she came on with her diamond encrusted mic, no one waved to her lorr. so i waved to her, and she saw and waved back to all of us. hahah. ok... the rest of the details are boring cos pple have already blogged about them. so skip to the last part!
people were feeling hungry after the event but everyone was like dunno where to go. so ps and i walked down to bk assuming pple would follow (turned out only a small group did). as i sat down in a chair, facing the counter, eileen suddenly shouted yanzi! and there she was! at the counter!! (idiot for the 2nd time today) she was with her friends and waiting for her food to be packeted and her change to be given. Alamak. we rushed over, queueing up behind her and she 'acknowledged' us in her 'cool' manner. haha. ccc told her he was very hungry and she said she also! eat eat eat.. later become fat. hahahah.. but it shows quite a bit when a celeb as big as her is willing to walk into bk with her frens to packet food. as she walked out, amanda and i realised sth horrifying and chiong out after her. after she signed the book for eileen, i whispered to her while amanda protected her. haha... her frens really should be more proactive. haha..
it's good to know there're still people out there who have a 'life-time dream to take a photo' with her. her fan base is huge! hahhaaaa....
why issit everytime we wanna patch things up, stuff will happen that will destroy the will to improve relations? More people are getting convinced in the lost cause now. beware.
the seeker. 5:56 PM
I think I'm burnt. After paddling for an hour plus yesterday in the sun, I've resumed my position as Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. With my back in the way, I proceeded to paddle using my arms only. I must have looked like a beginner. No twisting, barely any kicking. Haha. But it was fun keeping up with marcus (at times). Saw qihui they all on water too for nj alumni. Saw nio, saw the hc pple, and of course the ntu team. I guess it's time I answer my call of duty and to paddle.
After training, we went to chinatown to k but it was at this ulu-fied shop that we had to walk up a flight of stairs in the shophouse to get to. $10 each for 5 hours with free flow of drinks and one bowl of shark's fin soup. BUT, after eating, we only got there at 3+pm and the computer there had to crash on us. They took more than 30min to fix the prob (which included changing the entire cpu, forcing us to re-select our songs again). So we asked them to extend our hours but they refused to saying pple had already bo0ked the room and offered us $20 discount. Fine, being the nice pple we are, we accepted the offer so each of us paid $7.50. HAha
So I basically spent almost one whole day with the canoeists for the first time in duno how many months. Felt quite nice since there wasn't much talk about training. Haha.
Bloody hell, I just realised I didn't get any electives. The school is trying to stop me from passing year 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the seeker. 5:34 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
因果报应 -
the seeker. 12:33 AM