I missed training again today because I overslept. I managed to miss leqi's several morning calls till she called my house number and my mum picked up the phone. It was already 930am by then and I was supposed to meet them then! Haha. But i slept at 4+ am.... so it's not exactly my fault.
So anyway, I met ps at imm at almost 1215pm to go to daiso to get the gift boxes. To our surprise, the stocks at imm were lesser than those at vivo! I mean, the stocks are all kept at imm so how come there were so much fewer designs at imm? Weird. So we just bought another tupperware to store the chocs and proceeded to chinatown to meet up w jt, pw, amanda and chairmeh.
Iced milo and kaya-butter toast! yum yum. One of my favs! I love it when the butter mixes with the kaya and melts in your mouth. The bread must also be toasted just right - not too burnt, not too soft. The iced milo must be thick, not those watery, diluted kind. I hate it when it's like that. I might as well add milo powder to tap water right? The milo cannot be too sweet too. If not, the taste will be too overpowering and I'll end up being thirsty for water. What's the point?
Back to topic. Haha. So after the treat (thanks chairmeh!), we went to buy some stuff to make the card and trooped back to chairmeh's house to use his toilet. We ended up watching some ahzi videos (again) and some tv till 7pm. Haha. Chairmeh went off to his ahma's house while the 5 of us went to have dinner at boat quay. But it was just mac's tho. Haha. Getting more and more familiar with the area. Hehe.
After that, while we were about to go home, ps suddenly shouted "8778" and tada! There it was, sitting prettily by the road side in front of a pub/club. We peeped into the van and saw some shopping bags and a cake. There was a bunch of entry passes to various events at the front of the van too. Haha. We knew ahzi wouldn't be there but it was still rather exciting to see the van there.
On our way home, the rain continued pouring and pouring and pouring. With only TWO measly umbrellas to be shared among the 5 of us, it was little surprise we ALL got drenched. The rain was super big can???? Got umbrella machiam don't have umbrella. jt ended up walking in the rain (after it got smaller). My shoes were totally soaked, I was half-wet and I was wearing a white cotton shirt! Not like amanda... white but dri-fit shirt. Dries easily. We were all wet and miserable and looking like lost pups so we decided to cab home. ps left first then the 4 of us flagged down a mpv cab! A 7-seater cab!! My first time taking it and I'm rather impressed. So spacious and the uncle was quite nice. Haha. Think it'll be worth it if 7 of us share. The booking fee is $8 though but split among 7 pple, it'll only be $1+ each. Can try out next time, but not when we're soaked! Today was probably the most lang bei day in recent history. And I'm never going to wear a white shirt again!
Tip of the day: Always bring a towel and umbrella with you when you go out these few days! A towel is useful in sheltering you from the rain for a while and wiping yourself drier. Hehe...
Many things happened since I last updated - my trip to tw, the mad rush before my trip, changing of my hair colour, and sg garden festival. I just didn't have the time to come online. And I'm too lazy to blog about the tw trip. There were a lot of 'hiccups' that turned out fine in the end and I would have preferred to be there with my friends. At least we wouldn't need to rest our legs after shopping for an hour in ximending. Perhaps I'll talk about the trip next time. But for now, it's the sg garden festival!
Singapore Garden Festival, Suntec Convention Center, 16th December 2006 (Opening).
Reached home at 2+ am the previous day or should I say morning from kbox. Chairmeh, amanda and eileen sang till 6am. They are seriously mad. Haha. Woke up at 8am to wait for twl to fetch us to suntec to buy our tickets. $5 for students and we get to see 2 levels of exhibition! But our main motive was, of course, to see ahzi. Haha.
Me, twl, jt and pw reached first so we went in first and the rest joined us shortly after. All blind mice. Haha. Went to the stage area and just lingered around there. The personnel seemed qt blur. I asked the person where the launch of the new species will be and she told me 6th floor. Duh. Orchids are at the 4th floor. Since I didn't get the answer I want, I re-phrased my question. I asked her whether there'll be any special appearances by anyone. Finally she got to the point. Haha. "Mr Mah, XXXX, Stefanie Sun will be coming later." Isn't my question simple?!?! The best thing was, jm they all actually went into the cordoned off area to sit but were chased out. Then later, another person let us go in to sit inside. So the few of us went in front to sit cos closer to stage and there was space. Suddenly, we spotted this person sitting 3-4 rows directly in front of me who looked suspiciously familiar. I saw mavis then we were like 'ahzi????' Imagine while we were loitering outside the area, she was sitting inside there all along!!
We shouted a few times for her but it was more of a loud whisper cos we din want a commotion. She din hear us tho. So we resulted in 'spying' behind her, whipping out our hp and cameras to take pics of her *ahem* back. Haha. Her hair was nice - tied up in a orderly messy manner.
VIPs went up to make their speeches and present prizes but we weren't paying attention. Too busy either
1. talking or
2. spying on her.
Finally it was her time to go up stage. She looked totally like a schoolgirl graduating from school! Haha. And I felt her orchid was pretty. Very simple yet very elegant. I like white. Makes it look pure. When she came down, it became a meet-the-fans session la. We surrounded her, making the pro photographers stand behind us while we used our hp cameras. She even posed for us can... And pose quite long while we talked to her at the same time. Haha. Then she let us go on the tour of the exhibition with her! So nice right???
Mavis also equally nice. Haha. Imagine if it were marcia. Wa.. Confirm must be more than 1m radius away from her la. Because we had to go in to the different exhibition halls but our passes were all in our bags, mavis simply told the guards we all had tickets (because we were all trailing behind her??). Ahzi became our ticket into the hall! hahahahhaa... We were like escorts but some were too enthusiatic. Really put the camera into her face la.. Very rude so luckily chairmeh stopped them. They never think for her lor... tsk tsk.
Then she had to go back down to meet the minister and 'talk' to him so she was like rushing down and we were rushing down only to see the minister still being interviewed by the media. Since she had the time, we wanted to take another picture with her then she gave this 'diao'-cum-'I'm soo tired' action. Haha.. But members of the public who wanted to take pictures with her could do so la! Hemmphs. Nevermind. Haha.
We even bluffed Mr Mah Bow Tan that we were students of ahzi from nanyang primary school (how can it be?? twl was there too!!! hahaha) on an excursion and our tour bus was waiting downstairs, and since it was the holidays, we weren't wearing our sch uniforms. He actually believed us la!!! And ahzi was so paiseh.. haha.. Kept covering her face and laughing. And then pw made my day!! She helped me asked mavis if I could take a picture with ahzi cos my bday was very near. And mavis said ok!! Mavis is sooo nice. Hahahaha!!! And after taking the picture, she rushed off liao but not before twl passed my cow to ahzi.. Haha.. think will either end up with jonah or sonny to bite la... hahhahaha... what a happy day!!!

chattering away while...


i love my flower!!

a very proud owner...

graduation time...

her 'guards'. wad's jt doing????

look at my cow! hahahaha...

thank you ms sun, good bye ms sun, see you ms sun...


another one!

the one and only.

mavis nearly fell over her chair while taking this!! hahaha...
~when the devil looks more angelic than the angel~
the seeker. 3:22 AM
Monday, December 04, 2006
It's not like I don't want to update. It's just that I had problems getting in to blogger's main page the past few days so YA! Not my fault! Hmm... Looks like by now, a lot of people have updated about vivo so I shall not say too much about that except that it was great! It was great hearing her, it was great seeing her, it was great with the right people. But some totally spoiled my day and I do not want to waste any energy talking about them.
Skip to today! It was a fate'ful' day! Lady luck was on our side (and I hope she'll always be!) and we saw ahzi at Serene Centre! HAHAHA. finally our turn after being kee si by the rest who spotted her. So happy! Here's how the story goes.....
Once upon a time, I woke up and decided not to go to work after being too gek about yesterday. So I helped pw and jt to msg james that we will not be working today and decided to go to chairmeh's place to discuss about the xmas outing and watch videos (muahaha!).
Me, being me, took my own sweet time and was running late. But me being me again, decided to take a cab down so that I wouldn't be THAT late. On my way there, chairmeh called and said she was at Island Creamery. How qiao is that?!?! And apparently NO ONE knew where that was except me. Haha. Heng I studied at HC last time. Chairmeh didn't want to go down at first but I heck care and wanted to chiong all the way down. So after meeting him at chinatown, we pia-ed down to IC. jt and pw reached there first and saw her car, making us even more excited. Haha. Chairmeh was like crossing his fingers, hoping that we'll be able to see her.
But when we went into IC, chairmeh's friend told us she just left. So we ran like mad people around the whole place, including the toilet, because her car was still there. I thot of going into the vcd shop to see but didn't in the end (how was I supposed to know she was inside?!?!?!). So anyway, we were going to resign ourselves to our fate of missing her AGAIN when suddenly jt and chairmeh spotted her! pw and I were slightly behind them because we went into the toilet to check again. So funny. jt called me but I was behind her so I saw the back view of her.
When ahzi came back from her car, she saw us looking shocked and 'eh??!?!' etched on our faces.
"eh? so qiao ar??"
"u very free hors..." [jt]
"no la... just running some errands."
[goes back into shop while we discussed what to say to her, totally forgetting about telling her about daiso and rice]
"what are you all doing here?"
"can we ask you a question?" [chairmeh and i ignores her]
"where did you buy M?" [we ask in unison. this is called bu yue er tong]
"M?" [signals the singing mic]
"Nooooooo...." [I spell out M for her while chairmeh went to do this pulling action on top of his head.. haha... imagine.. tsk tsk]
.... "Disneyland!" [She apparently has some difficulty with her memory]
"Can I buy it in tw?" [anxious chairmeh wants to know!!!]
"maybe!" [she turns and smiles, knowing that tw doesn't have disneyland. haha.]
Muahaha!! What a happy day!! And I saw the photo the hcanoe gals took the last time on the wall! And watching the videos at Chairmeh's house bring back so much memories! Hehe.. Thanks for letting us stay at your house, watching scv and videos!! What's more, you ask?? Well... There was a comedy too. pw got stuck in chairmeh's toilet!! She couldn't open the door but didn't bang the door loud enough. We thot she dropped into the toilet bowl but didn't think much about it... Till.... Eileen finally heard pw banging on the door and burst out laughing. jt was wols.. din even realise what was happening. haha.. That sent us into hysterics and chairmeh's parents were home!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fate does wonders. It truly does.
p.s.: people should really step into other people's skins and crawl around it. Not everything is about yourself. There's no free lunch in this world. You want something, you better work for it and not just depend on others.
the seeker. 1:56 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
Five people nearly collapsed after witnessing the rehearsal of Stefanie Sun for tomorrow's opening ceremony of Vivocity.
Five fans of Stefanie Sun, whom they call as 'ahzi', rushed down to vivocity after a tip-off and apparently sprinted from one end of vivocity to the other, and around the water features at least 4 times.
Below is the actual recount of one of the fans.
"It was around 8pm when I got a call from Chairmeh who told me that ahzi was at vivo rehearsing for tmr. I didn't want to go down at first because it was hard coming up with an excuse to tell my parents. But after calling jt, I was convinced to go down and try my luck. It was so funny. I simply changed into a pair of shorts, slipped into my slippers and was out of the door in less than 5 min. I was talking to jt and pw all the way while I ran to the road to hail a cab. Although I was the first to get a cab, I was the last to reach. Boohoo.
So anyway, after making the uncle stop at the side of vivo and giving him no chance to say anything, I slammed the door and ran all the way to the 3rd level. Jt, pw and I were the first 3 there and we heard ahzi singing wo de ai. Suddenly, we saw ahzi at the side of the stage but she didn't see us. Then a dancer told us we could see her clearly at the other side of the stage so we ran, no, sprinted all the way to the other side. I think it was around 200m. I nearly fainted. Haha.
Then I shouted 'ahzi!' when she stopped singing and she went 'huh'? After turning to face our direction, she had to shade her eyes from the light and squinted before spotting us and waved. Haha. So cute! We counted the total number of times she waved to us and I think it was around 4-5 times. Haha. Ok, that's silly.
So anyway, we sprinted a grand total of 4 times (I sprinted one more) because we weren't sure whether she was leaving already. But the last time, we were too tired so we simply sat down near the guard (We already made friends with the guard! Haha). Ps and jt went to buy drinks and came back with 2 cups of lemon barley. 1 for me, pw, and chairmeh, the other for ahzi. Just then, we spotted ahzi coming out and we called her. She came over to us by her own accord! Woohoo!
We gave her the lemon barley which she actually didn't want. But after realising it was lemon barley, she EAGERLY accepted it. hAHAH. She drank our love!! Then I gave her the tickets to tmr's ceremony to sign. Luckily I bring the tickets with me wherever I go! We had a super funny conversation (some excerpts below) and she asked us to go home early to sleep. We told her abt the 'begging' of receipts and stuff and she asked us to shout louder tmr. I thought we shout very loud. Haha. Another jing dian.
Me: "You got sorethroat ar.."
She: "Ya. A little.."
Me: "Just now couldn't hit the high notes er.."
She: "GouLe AR..."
Now that's not all. We ran down to the carpark after she left, shouting "SORRY! EXCUSE ME!!" all the way. And there it was! Her van! Just in front of us! She was still drinking our love and kept waving to us! So nice!! What a 'perfect day'!"
Above is an excerpt of an exclusive interview with one of the fans involved and it truly was very lucky of them to survive the experience, sprinting up and down, all over the place. We wish them luck tmr.
the seeker. 1:39 AM