I know this is a bit late but ahzi won 5 awards in gcma! Haha. So exciting! I nearly fell asleep halfway during the show though. The sun, staying overnight for red carpet, the exhausting red carpet itself all took a toll on us halfway through. I was split between wanting to see her perform and not wanting to see her. If she performed too early, it means she won't receive another award le. But if she performed, then we won't be so sian. So mao dun.
Torning on Friday was qt ok la. Met zy at 6pm to go to kallang (that's like really early lorr...) then jm met us to have dinner. PS was already at indoor by the time we reached there. Hahah.. Played around for a while, heard some artistes inside the stadium but din know who. Think it was 水木年华.. haha.. Went in search of red carpet since we din expect ahzi to reach so early. The red carpet was suuuper HUGE can... Became our home cos we were the first batch of fans there. So we 'rehearsed' a bit, took pics, played on the stage. Haha. Too wu liao la..
Then got heart attack when we waited for ahzi to reach. We were all focussing on andy lau cos he reached first for rehearsal then suddenly someone noticed a van behind. and it was 8778 la.. Thought it was ahzi, frantically called the rest and suddenly, a bunch of fans appeared beside us screaming SHE.. dots... false alarm. Haha. But andy lau was very nice! We called him and he waved to us la! So nice. Haha. And he really very charming! Now I know why eline likes him so much.
In the end, ahzi, being the da pai, din come on Friday for rehearsal. Haha. Huishi told us she coming on Sat at 1pm so we all just trooped back to red carpet for the night. Exciting night I tell you. Went to queen's house, machiam robbers like that. Sneaked in, bent down and crawled under windows, making absolutely no noise. Haha. Then went to jm's house. Showered, slacked then went back to indoor stadium at 3am. While the rest slept, I read. I scared I won't be able to wake up if I slept. Somemore we were slping on the stage so must wake up early if not kena scolding. Haha. I did something exciting in the middle of the night but I shall not blog abt it. muahaha..
Anyway, so ahzi, being the dua pai AGAIN, was late at 230pm. When she came, we were wondering if it was her. Then she waved! So we ran to the entrance and shouted for her when she came out. Haha. Then when she came out of the van, she wanted to wave to us, but we were all concentrating on the entrance. So none of us noticed that. MUAHAHA. We heard her sing the medley and wmdyt. She ar.. practise so many times. Haha.. Then we talk crap with the driver and he told us he went to her house to pick her up. really dua pai. When she finally came out at 4pm, none of us noticed her at first cos we were concentrating on listening for her interview on radio. Then suddenly all of us noticed her at the same time. Haha. She machiam got a shock. No one said anything so I asked if she ate le. By then, she was in the car already. And she nodded and smiled. Haha.. PS said she very sexy then she gave that act-shy 'thank you'. HAHAHA..
Red carpet was horrible. I didn't sleep much. 1 hour nia. Haha. And we queued up at the wrong side la. Huishi bluff us lor. We ask her which side we can queue up at then she say the wrong side. In the end from 3 barricades, we only had around 2. And everyone was like chionging to be the first row so no one wanted to stand behind and hold stuff. What to do.. In the end ps, jm, eve, me had to stand behind lor.. couldn't see a thing. Can only catch glimpses of the artistes. Now have to wait for videos which I doubt few people will have. Oh well. At least the atmosphere was there. But the 太阳 ho pple really too much lor. They never use their heads to think. Really wanna move from the beginning of red carpet all the way to the end. Nv use brain.
That ahzi forgot to come to us during red carpet la. We told her to come then she say ya.. but in the end, too rushed le. cos red carpet over-run and with andy by her side, she rushed thru the red carpet. Less than 5min on the red carpet. Queen didn't manage to pass her the rocher bouquet so me, ps, jm bashed our way for queen to get through to the exit of red carpet. A lot of stunts. Dangerous. Ahzi actually missed queen AGAIN but we didn't give up and continued screaming for her. Finally she turned and saw the rocher and asked the security guard to take. HAHA.. so nice..
The ceremony itself was ok la. First award they gave out was the most nerve-wrecking one - 地区杰出奖. We were all soo nervous before the results were announced. Eve cried, my hands were shaking, people were holding hands. Then when her name was announced, we just erupted. Jumped up from our chairs, screaming away. And tears just started flowing la. Too emotional and relieved le. I couldn't stop crying lor. I think it took me 5min to stop. Hahah. So paiseh... Then I heard jolin's fans behind saying luckily jolin's name was announced first, otherwise they lose to us liao.. haha.. in terms of the screaming la.. haha.. shiok. So everytime she won, we'll jump up and scream. Although not as many pple as the ho pple, our screaming was louder than them lor. haha. Anyway their tickets all free one. Church buy for them. Bleah. Zero respect for them. SH and I were talking to the jolin's fans behind us when ho was performing and they say we'll open a temple next time. HAHAHAHA. Okies! Enough talking! I'll let the pictures do the talking! More pics next time too!

queuing up in the HOT sun. HAHA..

blur ahzi. haha..

who's that??
the seeker. 3:50 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Sick and tired of a wobbly table? Do you:
1. Find a piece of paper to stack it up?
2. Rotate the table?
The correct answer is 2. Rotate the table. That's according to an international team of mathematicians (read from Nov's issue of Reader's Digest). Just make sure the legs of your table form a perfect rectangle.
It's interesting what scientists or academics are researching on sometimes. I mean, when they go to work, they sit down and ponder over the problem of how to make a table not wobbly? They conduct experiments, spend the entire day, trying to solve that problem? Sure, it's interesting and may help in convenience but still, we can live without that right. I'm sure some of us do rotate the table at times. Now, it's called a solution. Oh well. At least it makes the world more interesting.
By the way, there's a trade-off. These mathematicians say they've solved the wobbly table problem. BUT they've created another problem. The table won't necessarily be horizontal.
Use at your own risk.
the seeker. 10:56 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
雨天's actually number 1 on 933 long hu bang!! I can't believe it. Why so fast? It's sprinted up the chart and I hope it doesn't sprint down. 3 weeks to number 1???? It's going to be hard to make it collate a lot of points unless it drops really slowly. Maybe 3 weeks of number 1, a few weeks in top 3, a few more weeks in top 10. Haha.
Went out to meet the fc pple today. Kena suan like siao. Kena filmed by pw (hope can win! haha). Shit. I'm feeling sian again. Shan't write le or I'll start rattling off. Oh well.
the seeker. 10:21 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Ahzi has at least one award to collect in gcma. Haha. Top 5 most popular female artiste. But that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Went studying with fish n pw yesterday at je lib. It felt good studying there again. It's like the crazy period of 'A' levels when Juan and I will queue up at the library at 10am (or issit 9am?) to chiong upstairs to the 2nd level tables. Those were the days. I was still a good student, mugging hard, playing hard. Perhaps I'm the kind of person who needs people pushing me so that I can work hard. Teachers (good, nice teachers), and friends who are competitors at the same time. I remember Nicholas in sec4. Whenever we get our results back, no matter for a big exam or a class test, he'll compare results with me. Haha. Although he seldom wins, it was still a motivational force to push me. I really enjoyed my sec4 days. We'll had all the cliques (the 'king' and her dunno-how-many wives and her guards. haha), and dances, and the teachers. And the cca. The squadmates. The discipline involved. JC was a blur because all of our time was spent on training. I have limited memories of the time spent in classrooms. Most are that of canoeing and huang chen. You can see I used to lead a very disciplined life. Haha.
Is it possible for one to lose her discipline after being too disciplined for the past years? Am I tired of keeping up that image? Is it all a facade? I don't know. I only know I miss the days when I was doing well in school with friends around me. Funny, good friends who never fail to brighten up my school day. The days when everything was kept simple and sweet, when I was relatively good at what I did. Sure there were failures now and then, but I knew at the end of the day, I would do well. Self-confidence, discipline, and my 上进心 are all eroding. Leqi said she felt dead now. Me too. It's like everything you ever had or was proud of are gone. D.E.A.D. Everything's been sucked out from me and I feel like I'm just a living shell. Why why why? Why am I like this? I really hate my current self.
I really do.
the seeker. 10:54 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Wow, ahzi's real famous! It brought someone here! Haha. How cool is that?? Super cool.
GCMA's in 12 days time and I'm looking forward to it! I'm not supposed to because that means my exams are near too. But since my exams are near, it also means that holidays are coming. Which means that 8th Dec will be coming soon! Muahaha. I'm SO motivational. Yea right. If only.
Anyway, I went Vivocity again today. Haha. I couldn't stand the thought of me going to vivocity on Saturday and not able to shop around. Ok, I admit. I've no money to shop. Window-shopping it is then. Vivocity didn't feel that big actually. Maybe because there're many turns in the mall. The mall is supposed to be the BIGGEST in Singapore BUT, believe it or not, there's NO DBS ATM around!!!!! I nearly fainted. Maybe there is one, hidden in some corner. But according to the directory, there're no DBS branches there. So the lack of ATMs left me with 80cents in my wallet for dinner and movie. Luckily my friend treated me to the movie (thanks leqi!) and I just koped food from others for dinner. Haha. Had a late lunch in school you see (yes I went to school!).
Talking about the movie, I watched The Departed starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and Jack Nickalsun. It was supposed to be based on Infernal Affairs but I think they shouldn't pitch it like that. They changed some parts of the plot and the bad-guy-undercover, i.e. Andy Lau's character, didn't even feel remorseful in the end. Perhaps it was the acting. Perhaps it was the plot. Perhaps it was the constant stream of the F*** word. It just didn't feel right. The beginning was so slow that Leqi fell asleep. Haha. When the plot started to 'follow' Infernal Affairs', they simply raced through everything. I thought the characters could have been explored in greater detail. No, explore seems wrong. Developed sounds better. Especially scenes in which I feel more emphasis on inner emotions could have been done. I'm really not sure. It just feels weird having the mafia-cop scenario in Boston. I kept having images of Andy Lau and Liang Chao Wei flashing in my mind. Maybe a more experienced actor would have been better? I'm not sure. I'm not saying the movie's not worth its money but you probably shouldn't watch it on a weekend. Weekday tickets are cheaper.
the seeker. 12:19 AM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all, though it's a bit late now. I wonder how did people celebrate it this year with the haze and all. I was going past Chinese Garden just now and there was just so many people on the pathway. How on earth can they stand the haze? All I did was just stay in my room, after dinner, with the air-con on.
Talking about dinner. I had a fabulous dinner at Tao's cruisine at Paradiz Center. You know the lame advertisement where the customers have no idea what to eat and ended up ordering portions of everything? That's the one. Set lunches are a 6-course meal while dinner is seven-course. And the portions aren't exactly that small either. The meal will definitely fill your stomach and the service there is very good too! The waiters/waitresses are very polite and always smiling (if not laughing). The prices are reasonable too. Ard $25 for lunch, I think.
I've also got another place to recommend! Actually my mum and her colleagues were the ones who 'discovered' it. If her colleagues say it's good, then it's really good cos they're the types who are picky over their food. It's called the.indulge at Cathay Building. It's hidden behind Shilin snacks so tt's probably why no one noticed it. Of course, Cathay Building, for now, appears to be all hype but no substance cos there's really no crowd there at all! It's so small (though the exterior looks huge) yet the building is barely filled. Ok, I think I'm drifting away. Anyway, the waiters there are not-bad looking so that upps the marks more! Haha. According to my mum, the food there is mainly fusion cuisine and the prices are comparable to others (~$14.90??). I'll go there someday to try it out. Haha.
So much for food. It's making me hungry. Think I'll eat a tiny winny bit of mooncake. Muahaha... Yum yum!
the seeker. 1:22 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
After much anguish and pining (that looks weird. Is it spelled like that?), I finally saw ahzi again today!!! YEA!! All of us were like missing her soo much during the past week. I wonder why. Muahaha.. She was very pretty today! Her top.. woohoo... sexy lor... but on closer inspection, her top is suspiciously aunty-ish. Haha. Can see through one lor... La say she see until eyes red... haha.. When she came out, as usual, everyone was guessing if it's her. Then it was so funny. She took out her phone to call her dad, so I turned and looked at sun pa. At that moment, he took out his phone to answer it! muahah.. geddit geddit?? So comical la..
And there was this group of auntie fans (as in real aunties) who came to fetch Deng MeiYun, some opera singer (issit? wadever.). They had garlands and bouquets of flowers and the banner la. Even ahzi was interested in them. Muahaha.. no la.. Wait till she's 50 then we do that for her. Haha.
Ahzi was so nice! She sat down and signed our albums for us la! Not one, not two, but a LOT. The auntie fans came surrounding her so we all surrounded ahzi to 'protect' her. haha. So farni.. And actually stopped one of them from taking pics. Below's my signed albums!

yay! a nice signature on my version a!

boohoo... my tw deluxe signature is smudged cos ps' album was on top of mine..
A happy day today! Muahaha..
the seeker. 10:42 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
My lappie's back, safe and sound. Appears that my motherboard was spoilt - whatever that means. Should be happy but I'm strangely not. A bit lost now. Something is wrong but I can't figure out what. What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I leave anything out? What's going on?
Guess this is one of those times when my mind strays and wanders off by its own. I really don't have anything to say here but for some reason, I'm just here. What's life about exactly? Time to ponder.
the seeker. 11:35 PM